#52 Stories, Family History

#52Stories: Values & Beliefs

Another month has passed, and new questions are available for October. Again, you can answer all 12 questions or any of them that you want.

❶ What are some of your earliest memories of learning right from wrong, whether through mistakes you made, examples of friends and family, memorable conversations or lessons?

❷ What do you believe are the necessary ingredients and habits for a good, moral, purposeful life? How are you striving to live up to these ideals?

❸ Do you feel your beliefs and values are shared by most of the people you are surrounded by each day? Or do your beliefs set you apart from those around you? What is that like?

❹ Were you raised in a faith tradition? What role did faith play in your family and community life growing up? How does your life currently align with what you were taught as a child?

❺ How have you seen the values and beliefs of the world around you shift throughout your lifetime? How have those changes impacted you personally?

❻ What were the faith and religious traditions of your ancestors? How did those traditions influence the course of their lives and, by extension, your life today?

❼ What are some of the things you once thought or believed in as a child that you no longer believe as an adult? What brought about these shifts in perspective?

❽ Were you raised as part of a particular faith? What role did religious traditions play in your family and community life growing up? How does your faith continue to influence your life today?

❾ How do you believe the human race came into existence on this planet at this time? Do you believe in religious explanations, scientific theories, or other conclusions?

❿ What are your personal beliefs regarding the age-old questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go after we die?

⓫ What has shaped your beliefs the most throughout your life?

⓬ Who or what is the compass that helps you navigate your life’s journey? What examples, influences, and practices help you maintain your course of faith?

The #52Stories Project is a FamilySearch challenge to encourage writing your own personal life story. To view each of the 12 monthly themes, you can see a highlighted weekly question on Instagram (@FamilySearch) and the FamilySearch Facebook page. You can also download the series at https://familysearch.org/blog/en/52stories-printables/.