The Spirit of Elijah

All in My Family

On December 8, 2024, Elder Patrick Kearon of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, dedicated the Tallahassee Florida Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Elder Kearon said, “Our Savior can be found everywhere in the temple,” “He is found in every ordinance, in every covenant, in every promised blessing and particularly in the power and grace we receive as we shed the practices and priorities of the world in favor of pursuing our relationship with Jesus Christ.” (See link)

Jeff Whittaker, a consultant at the Granite FamilySearch Center, shares an experience that demonstrates the Savior can be found in every ordinance in the temple. 

In 1995, our stake had a Stake Youth Conference where we had the chance to do baptisms for the dead. As part of it, the youth collected family names or found our own family ancestors. We all gathered at our stake center one morning and gathered 1400 family names prepared for baptisms. My ward and another ward went to the Salt Lake Temple and the other ward went to the Bountiful and Jordan River Temples. As we entered the room where the baptismal font was located, I sat on the bench and moved when I was supposed to move. As it got to where I was supposed to be going and getting baptized, the spirit told me not to go yet. I felt I should start over again and I moved back to the beginning.  As I got to where I was supposed to be, I finally went and was baptized for my family ancestors.  Also, my sister Traci went and participated in baptisms for the dead.

When I got done and back home our mother told us that we each did names for those who had passed on who were in our family. We had gotten family names from our grandfather and out of the 1400 names we collected as a stake, my sister and I were able to do our family names given by our grandfather.

I know that this work is of God and that he wanted us to do our family line.

– Jeff Whittaker, consultant, Granite FamilySearch Center