
At All Times and In All Places

I have always made a point of talking about what I do at Church and the callings I have at work.  A couple of years ago, my secretary asked me some questions about how she could find out more about her family to share with her grandson.  We talked several times at work and I finally asked her if she would like to come and see us at the FHC.  She said she would sometime.  Surprise!  A couple of weeks later she showed up during our night at the Center.  We had a wonderful time helping her get started putting together a family group sheet.  Lorraine then helped her look up older family members and added them to her tree.  She got really excited and later would talk to me with more questions at work.  We helped over Emails for a while then she showed up at the Center again.  She was very happy that she had found a FHC close by her house that was easier for her to get to.  She now attends there at least once a week.  This has led to her allowing her ministering teachers to come to her home.

“On another occasion, I was talking with one of our managers at work.  He had just found out that he is adopted,  after 40 plus years of not realizing that.  He asked if I knew how to help him track down his “real” family.  He came to our FHC several times where Lorraine and I were able to help him put together a Family group sheet and how to contact the hospital where he was born.  In a few weeks, he had discovered his actual mother!  He has now found several family members in California.  To make things even better, last summer he and his wife traveled to the coast where he was able to meet several cousins and aunts and uncles!

“The lesson here is to let people know what you do in the church and how they can learn also.  You never know what a casual conversation can turn up.”

Dennis and Lorraine Brown