Building Zion

The Building Up of Zion

In the tenth article of faith, we read: We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion will be built upon this [the American] continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. A… Read More The Building Up of Zion


New Records Available

Each month FamilySearch shares information about new records available. In April, FamilySearch released nearly 32 million newly indexed family history records and over 3 million digital images from all over the world. The article: Monthly Record Update for April 2021, contains links to new records which include birth, marriage, death, and church records. The article… Read More New Records Available

Gathering Israel

School of The Prophets

In “Revelations in Context” on the Gospel Library app, there is an interesting section by Nathan Waite titled “A School and an Endowment.” It describes the origins of the School of the Prophets founded in Kirtland, Ohio in January 1833. While this is a familiar topic in Church history for most Latter-day Saints, what may… Read More School of The Prophets

Writing Family Histories

Tell Me a Story

As we have reopened the Granite Family History Center, it has been a blessing to meet with many of the consultants who serve shifts there.  As you can imagine, consultants come with all varying degrees of interests and abilities to do the work of Family History.  Yet some have expressed the concern that they feel… Read More Tell Me a Story

The Spirit of Elijah

Turning the Hearts of the Children to their Fathers and Mothers

This morning while I was reading about the missionary work going on in the newly restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just six short months after its organization, I started remembering that I had some ancestors who were early converts back in the northeastern United States.  I thought it would be such an… Read More Turning the Hearts of the Children to their Fathers and Mothers