
Boot Camp Helps Youth Prepare to Gather Israel!

This week the Granite Family History Center sponsored an action packed activity for youth 11-18 years old entitled “The Lord’s Youth Battalion Boot Camp.” The idea for the three day camp was in response to President and Sister Nelson’s Worldwide Youth Devotional last summer where he invited every young woman and every young man in the Church to enlist in the youth battalion of the Lord to help gather Israel. President Nelson told the youth:

 “That gathering is the most important thing taking place on earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude, nothing else compares in importance, nothing else compares in majesty. And if you choose to, if you want to, you can be a big part of it. You can be a big part of something big, something grand, something majestic!”

Sister Michelle Babcock, our assistant director of youth services, and her remarkable team, put together a program that was majestic. For three mornings the FHC was filled with youth excited and willing to learn family history skills. Many of the activities were led by experienced youth who have been in the trenches all last year learning and participating in family history activities during our after school youth hours. As I watched these youth experience the Spirit of Elijah and feel joy in discovering, gathering, and connecting with their ancestors, I was overcome with excitement. These youth have answered the call, enlisted in the Lord’s army, and are spending their precious summer free time gathering Israel.

We recognize that there were many more that wanted to participate in the boot camp but were not able to do so because of space limitations. We want you to know that we will be doing more camps next summer for the youth. But you don’t have to wait until then. Beginning with the new school year, each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 3-5:00 pm, we have activities at the FHC for the youth where they can learn skills and continue their training to help gather Israel. We have many dedicated and inspired youth leaders that design and carry out these youth activities with great love and concern. We also have incredible young people who are trained and competent in family history who teach and lead out.

President Nelson invited the youth to experience the thrill of being a member of the Lord’s youth battalion. It was a thrill for me to watch them and feel of their enthusiasm and desire. When the FHC was opened on the last day of the camp, we discovered the youth had written on the white boards messages such as “Family History Matters!”, “Gather Israel”, and “Your family loves you!”  The blessings promised to the youth that engage in temple and family history work by Elder Bednar, Elder Renlund, Elder Anderson, Elder Cook and President Nelson are real. The smiles on the face, the light in the eyes, and the love that emanates from these youth as they engage in family history and temple work is real and contagious. What a blessing it is to be in their presence and watch them rise to the call. Thanks to all who helped in the planning, preparing, teaching, and carrying out of this activity. It is truly a joy to serve beside such faithful and devoted saints. –Dave Castleton, Director, Granite Family History Center

1 thought on “Boot Camp Helps Youth Prepare to Gather Israel!

  1. We now have youth Temple and Family History Consultants in 2 wards in the stake, and your newsletter and the ideas in it are truly an inspiration to us in Surrey, BC, Canada. Thank you for sharing what you are doing!

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