The Spirit of Elijah

Of Great Worth

During a RootsTech Family Discovery Day address Elder Bradley D. Foster said, “If the gospel is worth anything, it is worth everything.” In the book of Moses found in the Pearl of Great, we read: “For behold, this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”… Read More Of Great Worth

The Spirit of Elijah

Pioneers Today

I love the month of July! Early in the month we have the opportunity to learn about the foundation of the United States of America and the sacrifices and contributions made by men and women in the founding of America. Later in July we recognize and honor those pioneers who endured challenges and tribulation to… Read More Pioneers Today

The Spirit of Elijah

Turning the Hearts of the Children to their Fathers and Mothers

This morning while I was reading about the missionary work going on in the newly restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just six short months after its organization, I started remembering that I had some ancestors who were early converts back in the northeastern United States.  I thought it would be such an… Read More Turning the Hearts of the Children to their Fathers and Mothers

The Spirit of Elijah

Hastening the Work

In In a talk given by President Henry B. Eyring in April, 2020 general conference; he told about the development of Family Search, why it was initially developed and how it has changed and evolved over the years. Initially Family Search was developed because so many temple ordinances were being duplicated in the temples.  The… Read More Hastening the Work