
Don’t Forget Me

At the Granite Family History Center, I am blessed to be able to post the experiences that consultants, and patrons share on the Granite Family History Center website. This is an experience that was shared by, Jacque Fryer. This story inspires us to listen to the Spirit, and reminds us that Heavenly Father is mindful of all of his children.

About year ago I was going through some pictures I had inherited from my mom. There was a very old one of a woman sitting on a porch surrounded by several children and holding an infant. Of course there were no names on the back and I had no clue who they were. As I looked closer at the woman I recognized that it was my grandmother,  the children would be my aunts and uncles. Because I knew them, their birth order, and how many children were in the family, it was easy to tag the picture with their names. I assumed the baby she was holding was my aunt who is just older than my mom, So my mom would not have been born yet. As I was getting ready to put it on FamilySearch something didn’t feel right. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Then I remembered that my mom had a brother who was thrown from a horse and died when he was about ten years old. He was one of the little boys in the picture and the baby Grandma was holding was actually my uncle. My aunt and mom had not been born yet.

I felt as if my Uncle Blair was reaching out and saying “Don’t forget me”. He would have died about a year after the picture was taken. The picture is now on FamilySearch with the correct names attached. The last of these siblings passed away last week, so the whole family is now reunited.

–Jacque Fryer