Family Activities

Family History Activities

Memorial Day is a wonderful time to remember and celebrate your family, both present and past. Here are some activities that you can use when the family gathers this month.

  • Spend a day honoring an ancestor where you tell their stories, fix the food they liked, go to the places where they lived or worked. Print a picture or story of them. Give it to your family.
  • Find a few stories from your ancestors that can be acted out by your families and have a day where you gather and act out those stories. Assign one story to each family to have prepared. It may work well to narrate the stories as they are being acted out. Let props be very simple, and just enjoy the messages. Remember that the scriptures are simply personal history stories.
  • Have a family dinner where every family member brings a dish that denotes where an ancestor originated from. Enjoy the evening talking about that ancestor and telling stories.
  • Teach members of your own family or grandchildren how to make a recipe that has been handed down from your parents, grandparents, or another generation. Talk about that person.
  • Spend a couple of hours learning and doing indexing together. Work in pairs you help each other and have more fun. Make a time goal of an hour where you add up how many names have been done by each team. Reward the winners with a treat.
  • Spend an evening or day finding an ancestor to do temple work for in Descendancy or the Fan Chart of Print off the ancestor temple ordinance. Go that day with your family and do the work for the one you have found. Have dinner or dessert together.

For more ideas, head over to The Family History Guide.