
Family History and Ministering

In an article titled; “Ministering Through Family History” printed in the February 2020 Ensign Magazine, we can find ideas to help us connect with those we minister to, through Family History.

In this article, stories are shared by church members, of how they were able help those they minister to, with temple and family history. We can use their experiences as a model for our ministering efforts. By sharing testimony, and helping those we serve gain or master skills to use in their own family history work, doors can open to homes and hearts. This effort can help build and strengthen family ties and friendships.

Included in this article is a section called: Specific ways to Help, these are some ideas that were listed:

  • Help them upload family photos to FamilySearch.
  • Help them record and upload audio recordings of family history stories.
  • Help them Create a fan chart (you can print colored, large fan charts at the Granite Family History Center).
  • Teach them to capture their own history. (they may want to make an audio journal, video journal, or photo journal).
  • Go to the temple together and do ordinance work for ancestors, or offer to help them complete their family names.
  • Get together to share family traditions.
  • Take a family history class together classes are offered at the Granite Family History Center, and video taped classes are posted on the Granite Family History Center website.

As you ponder and pray for those you minister to, act on the inspiration you receive. You will be guided to know how you can help those you serve. This will bless their lives, your life and the lives of family members living and dead. –Elaine Hardman