When I was born, I had eleven living grandparents, one of whom was a great-great-grandfather. I was surrounded by people who loved me, unconditionally. Not only did I have all these grandparents but I had lots of “aunts, uncles and cousins” too. Some of them I knew only slightly and others quite well. It’s wonderful to have that sense of belonging and security when you are surrounded by so many who knew you, had an interest in you and loved you.
While growing up in a small town I was privileged to live within a mile of six of my grandparents and great-grandparents. Thinking back to my very young life I always remember several things that make me smile as stories are told and re-told:
Like walking through the back yard and down the little alley to the grocery store owned by a great-grandfather, then wandering through the store with my sisters.
Going to the service station/café owned by a grandfather, going inside and smelling the wonderful food my grandmother cooked for café customers.
When my younger brother was born a great-grandmother would cross the street, jump the ditch, walk up the sloping yard to our house to hold my brother and then take him back across the street to her house. My mother said she always held her breath because she was afraid my brother might get dropped as my tiny great-grandmother jumped across the ditch.
I loved visiting my grandparents’ houses because everything was “so old” and interesting to a little girl. Pot belly stoves, baby Ben Clocks on the mantle over the fireplace and lots of good smells as they baked cookies and other yummy food.
One of my great-grandfathers was treated to a birthday flight from Idaho Falls, Idaho to Salt Lake City, Utah to visit family in celebration of his 100th birthday. He was driven to the airport in a horse and buggy and then flew to make the trip to visit family in Utah. At that time my oldest child was just nine months old. One of my treasured photos is of my tiny, nine-month-old son being held by his great-great-grandfather.

What a treasure and a blessing to have this sense of continuity and belonging to a wonderful family.
Gail Martinez – TFHC Granite Stake
I loved that story!
Dear Gail,
We loved this story. My husband is a flying nut and was facinated by the trip from horse and buggy to plane. He wondered what year that happened? Thanks for sharing.