Temples, The Spirit of Elijah

Heart to Heart

February is American Heart Month and a time to catch the vision of where your heart lies.  As stated in D&C 2:2 “And he shall plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers.”   

In President Russell M. Nelson’s book, “The Heart of the Matter,” President Nelson recounts his call to serve as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He left his professional career and turned his attention to teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and ministering around the world to others in need. His career had been all about healing diseased hearts.  But suddenly he realized that his life would be devoted to a different and even more profound kind of healing of hearts, through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, which is a gospel of healing wounded hearts, hearts that are filled with grief, confusion, anxiety, or discouragement.

President Nelson further emphasized in his book, “Heart of the Matter,” to make the temple your spiritual foundation. In referencing the renovation of the Salt Lake Temple, he provided that the foundation of any building, particularly one as large as the Salt Lake Temple, must be strong and resilient enough to withstand earthquakes, corrosion, high winds, and the inevitable settling that affects all building. As such, the complex tasks of strengthening the Salt Lake Temple’s foundation would enable it to avoid any such catastrophe. 

In a like manner, how are we strengthening our spiritual foundation to withstand the spiritual earthquakes in our life? The house of the Lord lies at the center of strengthening our faith and spiritual fortitude because the Savior and His doctrine are at the heart of the temple.

On this day, February 14, 2025, a most heartfelt message was shared on President Russell M. Nelson’s social media channels. President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced dates for an open house celebration for the Salt Lake Temple. He invited people from around the world to take part in this unique opportunity which will occur from April to October 2027.

“On February 14, 1853, a groundbreaking ceremony in Salt Lake City began a 40-year journey of faith and sacrifice, culminating in the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple in 1893.

“A current and comprehensive renovation to strengthen this sacred house of the Lord for future generations is now nearing completion.

“Today, exactly 172 years after the groundbreaking ceremony, I am delighted to announce that the temple will reopen for tours during a public open house from April 2027 to October 2027.

“We warmly invite our friends to come and learn about God’s plan for His children and rejoice in the love of Jesus Christ. Details about this event will be shared as April 2027 approaches.

“As houses of the Lord now dot the earth, I invite you to cherish your time and service at the temples closest to you as we prepare for the reopening of the Salt Lake Temple in 2027.” (See Link)

This Valentine’s Day, in the spirit of “planting in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers” and helping “the hearts of the children turn to their fathers,” preserve some stories from your family’s past, and remember to strengthen your connection with your ancestors at the temple.

If you have a heart-warming experience or family history techniques you would like to share on the Granite FamilySearch Center blog, please submit your articles to barbgfscblog@gmail.com.

– Barbara Tubbs, communications, Granite FamilySearch Center