Family History and Temple Work


Participation in family history was neither a priority nor of much interest to me for most of my life. Yes, I completed my four generations out of duty, but I never connected with any of my ancestors. I tended to zone out when someone started to talk about genealogy and I was grateful the Lord had not made it a commandment or my church calling. To me it was simply an option and I had zero motivation to engage in it.

That all began to change in around 2008 when Elder Bednar invited the youth of the church to engage in temple and family history work. He promised the youth that their testimonies of the Savior would become deep and abiding, they would be protected against the intensifying influences of the adversary, and they would be safeguarded in their youth and throughout their lives. These were bold promises. I did not know how they could be fulfilled, but the Holy Ghost confirmed to me then that Elder Bednar spoke the truth. I also began to more fully understand the close connection between family history and temple work.

Since 2008 there have been many other promises made to us by our Heavenly Father through his modern day apostles. These promises have inspired me to increase my temple and family history service. Today I am still a rookie in many aspects of family history, but I am a witness of the blessings that come when we participate in temple and family history work.

There are too many blessings promised to us today for me to list them all. However, let me share with you a summary of the blessings I have personally experienced or witnessed in fulfillment of these promises made by our leaders regarding temple and family history work:

  • Increased influence of the Holy Ghost to feel strength and direction in my life
  • Increased joy through an increased ability to feel the love of the Lord
  • Increased family blessings no matter how imperfect my family tree may be
  • Increased love and appreciation for ancestors and living relatives
  • Increased power to discern that which needs healing and thus, with the Lord’s help, serve others
  • Increased assistance to mend troubled, broken, or anxious hearts and make the wounded whole
  • Better understanding of the power of the Atonement
  • Being safeguarded from the distractions and temptations of the world
  • Increased refining, sanctifying, and moderating influence in my heart

There are many ways that we can engage in temple and family history work. We don’t have to become experts to receive the promised blessings. These blessings flow when we turn our hearts, accept the counsel, and begin to move our feet. Remember the joy Alma and Ammon expressed as they contemplated their missionary service. I feel that same joy as I contemplate the experiences I have had with temple and family history work. If you would like to be the recipient of these wonderful blessings, and many more, let us know. I, along with the over 100 consultants we have at the Sandy Granite Family History Center, would love to share our experiences with you and help you participate in these marvelous blessings. –Dave Castleton – Director, Granite Family History Center