The Spirit of Elijah

June 2018 – Director’s Message

by David Castleton
What a joy it has been for me to return to the Family History Center. I have such fond memories of its beginning over five years ago and marvel at its growth and influence. I am grateful to see the participation of the Granite, Alta View, Granite View, and Willow Creek stakes and look forward to getting to know more of you. My sincere thanks and appreciation goes out to all the directors, assistants, volunteers, consultants, ward and stake leaders, youth, and patrons who have helped create such a happy place where the spirit of Elijah dwells and where so many have come to discover, bless, and be blessed by their ancestors.

Over the past few weeks I have met with many of the dedicated people who have given of their time, talents, means, and love to building this center and helping the patrons have meaningful and rich experiences. I am overwhelmed with the talent, knowledge, dedication, sacrifice, and Christ-like service I have seen. In a world that has lost its way and spends so much time in pursuing entertainment and activities which lead us away from Christ, it is such a joy to be in a place that facilitates the work of saving souls on both sides of the veil. The peace and joy that comes from temple and family history work blesses us and those around us.

Having been involved in the original establishment of this Family History Center, I remember the promises made by prophets and apostles of the blessings that would come to our youth if they were engaged in temple and family history. Our Family History Center was designed to be a gathering place for the youth where they could connect with their ancestors and the Holy Spirit and be yoked with the Savior in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of Heavenly Father’s children. I have seen a light in the eyes and countenances of the youth that come to the center and those that come to the temple to do baptisms. I have also seen the countenances of adults change as they have become involved in temple and family history. Words cannot express the joy that comes from this sacred work.

Finally, I must share with you my excitement, joy, and appreciation to be involved in this great work and to be able to work alongside so many faithful saints. I have greatly appreciated the time President Clint Ensign, Glen Steenblik, Laurie Beardall, Bob Ives, and Troy Runnells have taken to help me understand all that it takes to keep the Center running. They are all amazing, and I know they have such a love for this work and for the Savior. I look forward to sharing this great experience with all the volunteers, patrons, teachers, trainers, consultants, and the youth.

President Nelson recently reminded us: “Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work.” I know this is true. Let us open the heavens as we respond to this clarion call of our prophet.