

The world is full of noise – some of it encourages us to do good things, and some of it encourages us to do things that might not be in our best interest. How prepared are we to discern which voice to listen to? How often do we do something, only to realize that perhaps there was a better way for us to spend our time?

In choosing how we spend our time, we should be careful not to exhaust our available time on things that are merely good and leave little time for that which is better or even best. It’s easy to become overscheduled, frazzled and sometimes even frustrated.

In 2004 Elder Richard G. Scott said, “Adjust your activities to be consistent with your local conditions and resources. . . .Make sure the essential needs are met, but do not go overboard in creating so many good things to do that the essential ones are not accomplished.” He went on to say, “Remember, don’t magnify the work to be done-simplify it.” (link to talk)

With the attacks of the adversary increasing with each passing day, our need to be in the temple has never been greater. President Russell M. Nelson has recently urged us to make and keep regularly scheduled appointments with the Lord in His holy house. He went on to say, “The reward for keeping covenants with God is heavenly power. His power strengthens us to better withstand our trials, temptations, and heartaches. Those who live the higher laws of Jesus Christ have access to His higher power. (link to talk) . . . .Then, when spiritual earthquakes occur, you will be able to stand strong because your spiritual foundation is solid and immoveable.” (link to talk)

President Nelson has given us a suggestion of how to get the most out of our lives, an outline to keep us in touch with the spiritual promptings of the Holy Ghost, so that when we are deciding between activities, we might be able to more clearly discern those which are good, those which are better, and those which might be the best for us to participate in. He has said: “Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work.” (link to talk)

It’s exciting to think about the future and what it might bring. I hope there are incredible days ahead for each of us. But we shouldn’t be naïve about the days ahead either. If we are going to withstand the adversary, we must learn to be able to choose between those activities which are good, those that are better and even those that are best.

I am thrilled that “family history work” was specifically mentioned by our prophet as an activity that will help us in the days ahead. I know it is an activity that many of us have a great love for. How fortunate are we that we can be blessed with increased wisdom by doing something that we all enjoy doing!

I hope that all of us are feeling the increased protection that comes from following the words of our prophet, and specifically the increased blessing of doing family history work. We are blessed through the service we render. I hope it is a source of joy for you as well.

– Doug Nielsen, Director, Granite FamilySearch Center