Goal Setting

Looking to the New Year

On the fifth Sunday in September, (September 29, 2019) most congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, met and were introduced to the New Program for Children and Youth. These announced adjustments are intended to help children and youth develop their sacred personal potential.

Could all of us be more successful in meeting our goals and developing our potential if we used the template described in this inspired meeting? I think so.

A foundational scripture for the new program comes from the New Testament verse that provides a glimpse of the young Jesus of Nazareth: “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Through this one scripture we see that during his young life, Jesus grew intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually. Our youth have been encouraged to set goals in these four areas.

As all of us set goals for this new year, we are encouraged to prayerfully consider setting a goal to increase our efforts in Temple and Family History work.

In the 2017 RootsTech conference Sister Wendy Nelson asked, “… What do you need in your life right now? More love? More joy? More self-mastery? More peace? More meaningful moments? More of a feeling that you’re making a difference? More fun? Could you use more answers to your soul-searching questions? More heart-to-heart connections with others? More understanding of what you are reading in the scriptures? More ability to love and to forgive? How about more ability to pray with power? More inspiration and creative ideas for your work and other projects? More time for what really matters?

My dear brothers and sisters, I entreat you to make a sacrifice of time to the Lord by increasing the time you spend doing temple and family history work, and then watch what happens. It is my testimony that when we show the Lord we are serious about helping our ancestors, the heavens will open and we will receive all that we need.”

In the same meeting, President Russell M. Nelson said, “I invite you prayerfully to consider what kind of sacrifice, and preferably a sacrifice of time, you can make to do more family history and temple work this year.” RootsTech Family Discovery Day – Opening Session 2017

We are invited to start where we are, and prayerfully set a goal, to do Family History this year. Whether we are just getting started, or have experience, we can all learn and do more. Heavenly Father will help us accomplish this goal, He will bless the lives of those beyond the veil and our lives will be blessed for our sacrifice. –Elaine Hardman