New Records on Family Search

Newly Indexed Records Available

If you haven’t been able to find family records, or haven’t recently searched on Family Search, now might be the time to take a second look. In an article published on the FamilySearch blog; Monthly Record Update for October 2020, you will learn of online archives added in October of 2020 with over 23 million newly indexed family history records from all over the world. These newly indexed records are listed in the article and have live links to the data.

If you have been indexing or reviewing records to make them available, THANK YOU! If you are looking for information about your family, this newly published information may be just what you’re looking for.

As we continue our efforts in this great work, we are blessed to be part of the great gathering of God’s children. Soon, when the temples are opened, we can help these family members receive the sacred ordinances of the gospel.

–Elaine Hardman