Family History and Temple Work

Roots and Wings

A number of years ago I attended the funeral of the father of a friend of mine. I was particularly touched and impressed by a tribute paid by one of the father’s daughters. She expressed great appreciation to her father for giving her “roots and wings.”  Since that day I have pondered this concept many times as I have tried to give roots and wings to my children and grandchildren.

Over the last year the concept of roots and wings has taken on new meaning as I have engaged in temple and family history work. As my family tree grows and becomes fuller, I feel the strength that comes from having roots and being tied to a family. The memories that are now available to me about members of my tree have given me a new perspective and an increased sense of belonging. I recognize that I am not alone and though the trials I may experience in my life might not be the same as my ancestors, the same doctrines and principles will bless me with strength and direction when applied.

So what about the wings?  What is it about temple and family history that gives us wings? It is the ordinances and covenants that give us wings. We speak often of temple ordinances connecting us as eternal families. But with each ordinance we enter into covenants. It is the covenants that connect us to God and our Savior. As we become connected to deity, we find powers and inspiration beyond our own. We no longer wallow in the ways of the world but are lifted high above them. As we are given wings to soar, we are able to see greater vistas and new heights. We recognize better who we are and who we can become. We are not limited by the chains and fences that trap the natural man. We have the power to be lifted from our sins, weaknesses and trials, and fly without the heavy burdens that would otherwise be our lot.

Recently while serving in the temple I realized that our service there gives roots and wings to those whose work we are performing. I can only imagine the joy they feel as they know they have been connected to their family, to God and to the Savior. They too now have the capacity to soar and move to new heights.  With the advancement in the tools available to us now to do family research, the number of temples waiting for our visit, and the clarion call of our current prophet to gather Israel, we have the greatest opportunity ever, in the history of the world, to give roots and wings to many. Let’s make 2019 the year we take advantage of this great opportunity and provide roots and wings to those to the many anxiously waiting. –Dave Castleton, Director, Granite Family History Center