Granite Family History Center

Survey Results Are In

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Granite Family History Center survey. The comments and suggestions were very helpful, greatly appreciated, and have been passed on to the GFHC executive committee for review. If you have any additional ideas or suggestions you would like to share with us, please feel free to comment at the end of this post.

Here is what you told us:

What is your skill level in family history/genealogy?

  • 21% Novice
  • 13% Beginner
  • 50% Intermediate
  • 17% Advanced

The blog articles are helpful or of interest to me.

  • 35% strongly agree
  • 43% agree
  • 17% I do not receive the blogs

Do you use the Granite Family History Center Website?

  • 8% Always
  • 25% Usually
  • 50% Sometimes
  • 4% Rarely
  • 13% Never

Have you attended any classes at the GFHC? 96% Yes 4% No

Do you prefer attending classes in person or watching online?

  • 92% In person
  • 8% Online

Click all that are true.

  • 87% I can digitize my photos. (True)
  • 83% I can have slides digitized. (True)
  • 57% I have scanned photos by myself at the FHC.
  • 22% I have had the GFHC digitize photos or slides for me.
  • 9% I am not aware of any digitizing services at the GFHC.

Consultants at the GFHC are knowledgeable and helpful.

  • 58% Strongly agree
  • 33% Agree
  • 8% Neither agree or disagree
  • 0% Disagree

I would recommend the GFHC as a great resource. 100% Definitely would

Gender: 29% Male 71% Female

Age Group:

  • 4% 31-50
  • 46% 50-65
  • 42% 66-80
  • 8% 80+

Blog: Items individuals liked about the blog were that it inspired, motivated and encouraged them. They liked the personal stories and experiences. They liked to learn about new topics. Some suggestions were to include ideas on how to proceed when you hit a brick wall, to teach specific skills and to provide new records to consider.

Website: Items that were liked on the website included class schedules, calendar items, building schedules, blog posts, hours of operation, and previously recorded classes.

Class Topics: Classes mentioned as having enjoyed or wanting to have more classes about that topic included: journaling, Danish research and family history, clearing hints, British records, indexing, beginning family history with basics of where to begin, basic computer classes, what to do with family assets, using family assets to tell family stories, and getting through the walls when you can’t find anything in the usual sources. Requests were also made for step-by-step instructions in an outline format for notes to be taken and referred to after class.

Class Attendance: Most individuals preferred to attend classes in person where they could ask questions and get help and then have some hands-on practice. However, the option to watch online at their convenience and to hear the information repeated was also appreciated.

Media: A large percentage were aware of the photo and slide digitizing services at the GFHC.

Consultants: Comments were very favorable about consultants such as: inviting, friendly, encouraging, welcoming, patient, help me have confidence in myself and my abilities, happy for me as I am successful, and they are the best! Although consultants may not have all the answers and some may be more knowledgeable than others, it was noted that ALL try to help and will generally try to help connect me with someone else who can provide answers and insights to questions when they don’t know the answer.

Granite Family History Center: Some suggestions for the Center were to use The Family History Guide more often as a resource and to provide a list of consultants with foreign language expertise. Positive things mentioned about the center were the consultants, classes, resource (digitizing), and THE SPIRIT!

We all love the spirit we feel at the Granite Family History Center. The Spirit of Elijah is truly at work as we participate in this exciting work of family history. Please come avail yourselves of the resources the Granite Family History Center has to offer.