Family History and Temple Work

Treading Water: Serving in the Church During a Pandemic

The abruptness with which the COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we worship with our fellow saints, work, and recreate has been swift and breathtaking. All have experienced some loss from this terrible plague—whether it be a lost loved one, a lost job, financial status or whether it has been a lost High School Graduation, Wedding… Read More Treading Water: Serving in the Church During a Pandemic


Conversations During COVID-19

While listening to the never-ending stream of COVID-19 news the other day, a story caught my attention.  The title of the piece was “3 Conversations for More Resilient Families.”  Dr. Matt Townsend, a social psychologist in Draper, Utah gave three powerful suggestions to make more of your time together as a family.  Perhaps unintentionally his… Read More Conversations During COVID-19