Irish Heritage

Remembering and Researching My Irish Heritage

It’s St. Patrick’s Day, a religious and cultural holiday celebrated on March 17 which honors the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick, and commemorates his bringing Christianity to Ireland. The day is often observed with parades, festivals, wearing green clothing, and enjoying Irish food and traditions.  St. Patrick’s Day always makes me think of my own Irish heritage. My… Read More Remembering and Researching My Irish Heritage


RootsTech and FamilySearch Labs

One of the most exciting announcements at RootsTech last week was the introduction of FAMILYSEARCH LABS which allows family history lovers to try out new FamilySearch “Experiments” that are still being developed and refined. You can access FamilySearch Labs on the right-hand side of your main FamilySearch page. Some of the electrifying innovations include: On each… Read More RootsTech and FamilySearch Labs


Increasing Our Faith Through Family History Work

In the 2015 General Priesthood Session, Elder Neil L. Anderson spoke of faith saying that, “Faith is not by chance, but by choice.” (link) The scriptures give several examples of the Savior either commending people for their faith or admonishing them to exercise more faith. A question we could all ask ourselves is how would the Savior perceive my… Read More Increasing Our Faith Through Family History Work

Gathering Israel

Helping with the Gathering of Israel

President Russell M. Nelson declared, “Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that.”  Do you ever have family, friends or ward members say that all their family history… Read More Helping with the Gathering of Israel


Christmas Memories

Christmas is always a time when we remember and celebrate the birth of our Savior, and it is also a time when we feel close to our families. This Christmas, I have appreciated my family more by reading some of their journals, diaries, and letters to understand how they experienced Christmases in the past.  About… Read More Christmas Memories