Burial Records

Find a Grave

Recently I was working with the youth at the Granite FamilySearch Center. The weekly activity was to find ancestors using burial sources such as “Find a Grave” and “Billion Graves.” The teens enjoyed learning how to use the sites and discovered interesting information about their relatives. Find a Grave is an important resource because it provides cemetery… Read More Find a Grave

Family History

What’s In A Name

Recently I received a notification (via email) from Family Search that a grave marker for one of my ancestors had been discovered. When I clicked the link, I found photos of 20 Grave markers belonging to my ancestors. One of the names that came up was for Askey, but When I looked at the grave… Read More What’s In A Name


Rainy Day Miracle

Last June I went on a business trip with my husband back to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Both of us have ancestors who lived in Pennsylvania in the 1700 and 1800’s so we decided that we would extend our business trip by a couple of days and go and see the towns and areas where our ancestors… Read More Rainy Day Miracle