Family Search

Leaves and Branches

When I ask an individual whether they have their four-generations completed (which includes yourself, your parents, grandparents, and your great-grandparents), the response I frequently get is one of two responses: “Oh, my (aunt, grandma, or insert random family member here) is my family’s genealogist. I’m sure he/she has done it all.”  Or, “My family has… Read More Leaves and Branches


Family Matters

Often I hear the comment, My [spouse][grandparent][parent][aunt] does the family history in my family. The comment infers that the individual is relieved of any family history responsibility because someone else in the family is “doing it.” On the other hand, I have also seen individuals anxiously engaged in family history on their own with no… Read More Family Matters


Sealing Keys Restored

On Easter Sunday 183 years ago (April 3, 1836), Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias and Elijah appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple. The keys of the priesthood restored at that time provided the power whereby eternal families could be established in these the latter days. The importance of eternal families and… Read More Sealing Keys Restored