Preserving Records


Relationships change over time. Just consider the difference in your relationship with your parents when you were a child, teenager, young adult, married with kids, and when your parents are in their later years. Our strongest feelings about a relationship tend to be the nature of the relationship at the moment and we often forget… Read More RELATIONSHIP BUILDING

Sharing Memories

Tell Me a Story

November is a time when we gather together as family and friends and recall the blessings in our lives.  Oftentimes, we reminisce about those who have gone before and even the more recent past. This is a perfect time to capture some of those stories from our loved ones.  It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. … Read More Tell Me a Story

Your Story

Telling Your Story

This September, will be the 5-year anniversary of my Mother’s death. She lived a long and full life. During her life, she was diligent in collecting and writing the stories of her family members, and herself. In addition to these written stories, about 5 weeks before her death, she went to the “Story Room” at… Read More Telling Your Story



Wherever we go in today’s world one of the first things we do is to get connected to Wi Fi. Once connected, we are able to open up virtually innumerable lines of communication and access unlimited information. Prior to the internet our access to information and communication was limited, came at greater expense, and was… Read More Connecting



Wherever we go in today’s world one of the first things we do is to get connected to Wi Fi. Once connected, we are able to open up virtually innumerable lines of communication and access unlimited information. Prior to the internet our access to information and communication was limited, came at greater expense, and was… Read More Connecting