
Advances in Technology Have Led to Miracles in Family History and Temple Work

A lot of temple work for my Danish ancestors was done in the Salt Lake Temple in the 1920’s and 1930’s. In the past five years, because of the many old Danish records that have been digitized and put online, I have been able to find spouses, children, grandchildren, grandparents, great grandparents, etc. for many… Read More Advances in Technology Have Led to Miracles in Family History and Temple Work


All My Children

As a mother of seven children, I was always making sure I knew where all seven of them were. I occasionally lost one in stores and would totally freak out. I remember walking thru Disneyland counting them – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 over and over again. I had to have all of them right… Read More All My Children


Temple Blessings

I believe part of my love of the temple is in my DNA from my father and his parents.  Even though both of my father’s parents died before I was born, their example had an influence on my life.  My grandparents Magnus and Anna Johnson joined the Church with their three children in 1908 while… Read More Temple Blessings

The Spirit of Elijah

Hastening the Work

In In a talk given by President Henry B. Eyring in April, 2020 general conference; he told about the development of Family Search, why it was initially developed and how it has changed and evolved over the years. Initially Family Search was developed because so many temple ordinances were being duplicated in the temples.  The… Read More Hastening the Work