
The Box

When my mom died, I inherited “the box.” You know the one, filled with photos and scrapbooks, slides and negatives, some labeled, and some not. It was a harsh reality to recognize that I had suddenly become the older generation, and that I could identify photos and tell stories that no one else could.

Whenever I login to Family Search, I am immediately drawn to the new photos and stories that have been shared by others. This is my favorite aspect of family history, learning the stories and experiences that make my ancestors more than a name on the pedigree chart.

I feel a responsibility to my ancestors, as well as to future generations, to share what only I can. Once something is recorded in Family Search Memories, I experience a sense of relief that it will be protected, and not lost in a basement box somewhere.  As I write my memories about my family members, I reflect on these people who have shaped my life. I feel their presence and appreciation, and inspiration to recall experiences that I think they want others to know.

During this time while we are at home more, think about pulling out those boxes. Sort and share, and especially label! I have beautiful photos of people I can’t identify. You will bless future generations to know their ancestors, and in the process, the Spirit will bless your life.

Diane Coles – Family History Consultant – Granite Family History Center