
The Gift of a Family Story

In the First Presidency Christmas Devotional given earlier this month, Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women General President, shared a story about a gift her father gave his brother for Christmas during the post-World War II era. Sister Cordon described this story as a gift to her because it taught her about sacrifice and reminded her of the sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ, “who was and is our first and forever gift of Christmas.”

Sister Cordon’s father, Harold, was a child during World War II, and because of dire circumstances during the post-war time, his parents did not have the money to buy gifts for the children that Christmas. His father asked Harold if he would give his younger brother, Arnold, his electric toy train, which he treasured dearly. Although shocked at first by the request, Harold agreed to it, so his brother could wake up to a gift under the tree that Christmas morning. Arnold was thrilled with the gift and then, later, when he realized it was Harold’s train, the gift was even more treasured.

This beloved family story has been a gift to Sister Cordon, not only because it is a story that brings to life the virtuous character of her family members, but also because it has taught her about the great principle of sacrifice. This powerful lesson made her think of our Savior’s eternal sacrifice in coming to this earth, making an Atonement for us, so we could overcome sin, adversity and death, and live with Him again.

What a powerful story Sister Cordon has shared with members of the church worldwide this Christmas season. It has helped us to see and appreciate the gift our Savior has given us during this special time of remembering Him. The gift of her family story is a gift to us all.

– Christy Pugh, Innovations/Communications, Granite Family History Center