
The Rescue

July makes me think of the pioneers, not only because of their stories and it’s the month we celebrate the vanguard company arriving in the Salt Lake valley, but also because I have had (on two occasions) the experience of going on a pioneer “Trek”. Both times stake youth and leaders went to Martin’s Cove, WY.

In the lead up to Trek, those going read pioneer stories, read the Book of Mormon and prepared physically for the five-day trek. Even with this preparation, I was unprepared for what I experienced. I wrote in my journal the following:

July 2003- We went on the pioneer trek with our stake (my husband and I were Ma and Pa), to Martin’s Cove (WY). We were especially excited to be on trek because our two sons were there too (they were in different families). It was an amazing, difficult, life altering experience. It is nothing short of miraculous that these pioneers were able to travel to the Salt Lake valley, pulling handcarts. It is truly a miracle that anyone survived from the Willie and Martin handcart companies, certainly without God’s intervention, to have rescuers sent, none would have made it. This would have put and end to many generations of righteous offspring.

Most did survive the 90-120 days of blazing sun in the beginning and bitter cold in the end, leaving a legacy of faith that we can see and appreciate, and in a microscopic way, emulate.

July 2015 – The trek to Martin’s cove was the culmination of months of work and meetings. I was over the food committee (gulp). I felt guided in a different way as our committee worked together and were able to provide food, relief and comfort to those attending trek. By the end of this 5-day trek, I was was on a spiritual high, though completely exhausted. I can only imagine what 1500 miles and 100 days would have been like.

During Trek to Martin’s Cove, the last time I went, I learned about the “Second Rescue” where members of the Riverton Wyoming stake studied the pioneer histories of the Willie and Martin handcart companies and found that many had not had their temple work done. By the efforts of these stake members, in just over a year, more than 4,000 ordinances were performed on behalf of the members of the Willie and Martin handcart companies and their rescuers.

We don’t have to go on “trek” to be part of this rescue. We can gather our family members and prepare their names to take to the temple. We too can be part of the “second rescue” to gather them to Christ. –Elaine Hardman

3 thoughts on “The Rescue

  1. How quickly we can forget the sacrifices that were made to settle the Salt Lake valley and many cities throughout the western United States, Canada and Mexico. It is one thing to read about the experience of these pioneers, like in the book, “Fire of the Covenant”. But it takes it to another level when you actually go out in the country and try to replicate their experience in a small way. It creates a totally different perspective of what a day was like for them, or of how they accomplished the mundane daily tasks of life on the prairie, and demonstrates the commitment they had to religious freedom. Thanks for reminding us.

    1. I know my trek experience gave me a new level of appreciation for our handcart pioneers. I love the book “Fire of the Covenant”!

    2. I love the book “Fire of the Covenant” and have read it twice. It is such a good reminder of the faith and sacrifices of our early pioneers. It gives us faith and hope in the trials we are called on to endure.

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