This morning while I was reading about the missionary work going on in the newly restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just six short months after its organization, I started remembering that I had some ancestors who were early converts back in the northeastern United States. I thought it would be such an interesting experience to see how they were fitting in with the history I am reading about in Doctrine and Covenants – Come, Follow Me. The thought came to me that I might find some clues in The Family History Guide – Come, Follow Me Companion. Sure enough, I found just what I was hoping for to continue my heart-turning journey.
Let me share some of the links that I found especially helpful in tracing my ancestors’ part in the early days of the Restoration.
Go to Click on Family Activities 9. Five-Minute Ideas for Latter-day Saint Activities. Scroll down until you find Idea #20. Under this idea you will find some very great links to Church history including:
Relatives in The Joseph Smith Papers

I discovered my third great-grandfather, Tunis Rappleye and third great-grandmother, Louisa Elizabeth Cutler’s marriage was recorded in The Joseph Smith Papers. They were one of three couples to be married by the Prophet Joseph Smith on Sunday, January 17, 1836 following a large Sunday “meeting at the school-house” when the time was “occupied by the presidency and the Twelve in speaking each in their turn, until they had all spoken…In the afternoon I joined three couple in matrimony in the public congregation, viz. William F. Cahoon and Maranda [Nancy Miranda] Gibbs; Harv[e]y Stanley and Larona [Lerona] Cahoon; Tunis Rapley[e] and Louisa Cutler.…” The Prophet spent the evening at home. (I thought was nice to know.)

I also learned that my 4th great-grandfather, Levi Jackman, was recorded for making a donation to the “committee store” (established by temple building committee to support those working on Kirtland temple). The Prophet Joseph wrote in his journal, “My heart swells with gratitude inexpressible when I realize the great condescension of my Heavenly Fathers, in opening the hearts of these, my beloved brethren to administer so liberally… I ask God in the name of Jesus Christ, to multiply, blessings, without number upon their heads…” “Journal, 1835–1836,” p. 59, The Joseph Smith Papers, accessed April 12, 2021,

These few minutes it took me to look up these ancestors enriched my study so much and turned my heart with greater love for these people. I am very grateful for the dedicated people at the Family History Guide who make these discoveries simple for me yet so meaningful. Do not let this year pass without letting your hearts be turned to our fathers and mothers during this Doctrine and Covenants – Come, Follow Me year. If you don’t personally have connections to these early converts, these resources will still help grow an appreciation in your heart for those courageous people whose shoulders we stand upon.
Janet Helland – Patron Services and Training- GFHC