Family History Activities, The Family History Guide

Weekly Family History Activities for 2025

Note: On January 5, 2025, this article was previously published on The Family History Guide Blog by Bob Taylor

When the Come, Follow Me program for Latter-day Saint scripture study came out in 2019, I remember a conversation I had with Angelle Anderson, our Marketing Director: “Should we provide a weekly companion for it—one that focuses on family history?” We jumped in, a bit nervous but excited, and here we are introducing the seventh yearly installment: Weekly Family History Activities for Come, Follow Me 2025: Doctrine and Covenants.

Aside from a couple of years where Debbie Brady (Marketing Specialist) helped out, Angelle has shouldered the content burden for 52 lessons times 7, for a total of over 350 lessons. Now that we have completed the “cycle” of the four standard works we can borrow from previous content, as Come, Follow Me does, but it’s still quite an undertaking.

If you’re not familiar with the Weekly Family History Activities, there are links at the top of that page that include a Schedule for the current year (all 52 lessons), plus links to previous years, the Weekly Family History Activities Facebook Group, and the Activities Index.

Each lesson mirrors the theme of the current Come, Follow Me lesson, with activities, quotes, videos, pictures, and references that provide a rich temple and family history learning experience to complement the regular lesson.

We hope you enjoy the new Weekly Family History Activities for 2025: Doctrine and Covenants. Here is a brief video from the Hi Five Live Facebook series, narrated by Scott Anderson, that introduces the upcoming lessons:

– Bob Taylor, Director of Development, The Family History Guide Association