
Why Index?

There is a very good chance that the record of your ancestor you found on Family Search to expand your family tree, is there because of the efforts of someone who took time to index that record. Indexing makes records searchable online. When you index, you help connect families by typing up historical documents so they can be published online. If you have never indexed a record before there are many resources available to help you learn how to index.

With over 100 projects from all over the world, you can find a project that helps you and others. What a great way to serve our brothers and sisters on both sides of the veil.

Answer the simple questions below to help you choose the best way for you to learn to index.

Do you like learn things on your own? Are you confident with using a computer? Are you good at following written instructions? This may be the best way for you to learn to index:

  • Log on to, and sign in to your account. (If you don’t already have one, you can create one)
  • click on Indexing at the top of the screen, a new window will open, there you can select learn more. From there you can click; Try a Guided Tour, there you will be shown step by step how to index in a safe and easy way.
  • After some practice, you can choose a project where you can apply the tools you learn
  • If you have questions, click the get help button and you will be guided to the help you need.

Do you prefer to hear instructions from a teacher or coach? Do you like to have someone show you how to do something before you try it? Do you like having a person there to answer questions and help you as you practice?

  • Make an appointment with one of your ward Temple and Family History Consultants. They can meet with you one-on-one, and show you how to index. They can show you in your own home on your own schedule, or meet with you at the Granite Family History Center. If you’re not sure who these consultants are, check with a member of your ward council, and they can tell you.
  • Temple and Family History consultants are also available during the hours of operation at the Granite Family History Center. There is usually someone there that can teach you to index and answer your questions (every time I have gone to the Granite Family History Center for help, there has been someone there to help me).

Why I love to index

I like to index, because I know from personal experience how important this information is in finding family names to add to my family tree. For many years my mother looked for records for a family member, always reaching a dead end. I tried to help her to no avail. One day, I logged on to FamilySearch, and there was a marriage record for this family member, that had not been there before. By researching this record I was able to connect this person to their ancestors and their descendants (one of which was me). This one Marriage record, that someone had taken the time to index, enabled me and my living family members to do the temple work for many of our ancestors. When we serve others by doing the work of indexing, we help our sisters and brothers find their family members, and complete their temple work.

Indexing is a great activity for the Sabbath Day.

I like to index, because while indexing I get to use many of the skills and tools I use when I’m on my computer checking social media sites, or shopping sites, etc. I get to use these skills to do God’s work.

I like to index, because I know when I devote my time to indexing, I am blessed with the Spirit not only in Temple and Family History work, but in all facets of my life.

We have each been invited to set a goal this year to index available records. What a great time to learn how to index, then set a goal for how many records to index each day, week, month, or for this year. Once you have learned this skill, teach someone else. You will be blessed for this service, and in turn will bless the lives of God’s children living and dead. — Elaine Hardman