Granite Family History Center

Why Should I Visit a Family History Center?

Why visit a family history center? Maybe you have asked yourself this question. Since there are so many resources that can be accessed at any time, and virtually any place, by using a computer or even a phone, isn’t going to a Family History Center obsolete?

In an article written by Annelie Hansen titled: Family History Centers, some very good reasons are given for visiting a family history center. If you’ve never been to a family history center or are wondering what one has to offer, this is a great article to read.

This article will help you find…

  • where the nearest family history center is.
  • resources that you won’t find on your home computer or cell phone.
  • consultants that can help you in your research and study of genealogy and family history.
  • one-on-one help with genealogy.

For Information about the Granite Family History Center, specifically, visit (if you are reading this blog you are probably already on this site), in the tool bar you will find information specific to the
Granite Family History Center (GFHC).

The Granite Family History Center has organized youth activities, that youth can attend on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3PM – 5PM. Classes are taught on Tuesday mornings, at 11AM. You can even schedule the GFHC for your own needs and goals. The GFHC is being used by youth groups, family groups, Relief Society’s/Elders Quorum’s, and other groups, who schedule the GFHC for use outside of the normal hours of operation. In addition to Family History Consultants who can help patrons one-on-one, media specialists can help you scan photographs and slides, and convert audible recordings to digital files. These can be saved to your thumb drive, then loaded to FamilySearch. These techs are available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays , from 6:30 – 9PM.

These are just a few of the reasons to visit a Family History Center near you. You are invited to the Granite Family History Center to take a class, take a tour, and see for yourself what a great place it is. –Elaine Hardman

3 thoughts on “Why Should I Visit a Family History Center?

  1. Thanks for this article. Trying to make a list of things that partron’s have access to at a FHC that they probably don’t have at home. I am thinking more of centers like Granite rather than “world-famous Family History Library in Salt Lake City, large regional facilities in places like Mesa, Arizona, and Los Angeles, California…”
    You mentioned a few:
    Youth program that Granite has.
    Personalized help from consultants.
    Family or Ward groups can schedule time out side normal hours.
    Media specialists – photo scanning, slide scanning and audio to digital.
    Some centers may have books as well as access to microfilm.
    Besides these, which are all very helpful to Family History, what computer/internet access do the computers at the center have that an Member does not have at home?

    1. I don’t know the exact number of computers, but there are at least 60. We have laptops that consultants can check out to do training in their own wards and stakes, they are also used if there is a need at the center. People can bring their own laptops in and there are desks they can use to plug them in. There are classes taught. The schedule of classes is available at the website Also if there is a group with an interest in learning skills outside the regular scheduled classes, we have many teachers that can come in and teach. FamilySearch partners (, myheritage, findmypast) provide expanded access at the Granite FH Center that is NOT available to subscribers at home. I’m not sure about your microfilm/microfiche question, but you can reach one of our techs to have that question answered at: There is an area where patrons can be videotaped and then upload their recording to FamilySearch or share it with loved ones. Our consultants are well trained and are amazing! Hope this answers your questions. Come for a visit, you will love it! Elaine

      1. Thank you Elaine. I have used your center and found the people very helpful, classes were great and there are things like the feeder/scanner for photos that save hours upon hours of time. Please tell me what expanded access you have with FamilySearch partners. when you say, “(, myheritage, findmypast) provide expanded access at the Granite FH Center that is NOT available to subscribers at home.” I have never been able to nail down exactly what additional access the center has that an LDS member would not have at home. Please be specific. Thank you again!

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