RootsTech 2021

You Can Still Participate in RootsTech Connect 2021

In a recent blog article written for FamilySearch by Alison Ensign, RootsTech Connect: What It Is and How You Can Participate, she outlines how the resources from the 2021 RootsTech conference can continue to help us even though this conference is over.

Due to safety concerns and travel restrictions, the 2020 RootsTech conference went fully online and became RootsTech Connect. This format was continued in 2021 in the February 25 – 27 conference, with video on-demand available worldwide, and free, available for the entire year.

If you weren’t able to view this conference at the end of February you can still access the content at Here you will find:

  • Links to Addresses given by Keynote speakers
  • Links to video classes
  • A “Guide Me” feature on the webpage tool bar to explore what is available.
  • A guide to create your own “playlist” where you can save content that is meaningful to you
  • A link to the Virtual Expo Hall, where you can view products from various vendors that can help you with your own family history work.

RootsTech Connect is bigger and better than ever. What a blessing to have these resources available to us still.

–Elaine Hardman, GFHC Communications

Image Above: Youth and young adults are invited to participate in a series of challenges to connect with themselves and others during RootsTech Connect Feb. 25-27, 2021. Credit: Screenshot